Bestseller Tanning Bed Lotion

Use Tanning bed lotion for an Even Tan - Even Faster!

on 9/11/2011

You can spend days and days on the beach and yet not so the skin, which is as dark as you want. For this reason, among others, many people opt for solarium. And best, what could be a Tan and solarium! But the beds are not enough-according to skin type, is also a time, until the perfect tan. You can accelerate the impact of a solarium with a good use of tanning bed lotion.

Apply lotions actually essential if you have a low ceiling. After all, why are UVA, plus you need to draw? Tanning bed lotion are different types of content. For this reason, buying tanning lotion should direct from the Distributor, where you will get its solarium.

Another purpose some lotions Solarium is effective protection SPF. SPF stands for "Sun Protect Factor" and is a term used for solar protection force many to identify and block solutions on the market. The Mayor is stronger solar SPF for a given product skin expects. In other words, SPF, exposed to natural or artificial UV light both with the most severe forms or higher without Sonnenbrand-skin irritation. SPF protection products can come in a variety of consistency, such as cream, gel or lotion.

But the higher the SPF, you can expect a Tan you less protection. However, you should select a lotion with SPF of 15-45-even if it takes a bit more, so you get perfect skin, you can be sure that your body of skin cancer and other health risks, with solarium unprotected come.

In fact, many skin solarium use is not recommended by their direct delivery of UVA radiation specialists. UVA rays are also stronger than UVB rays that are emitted by the Sun, which would be faster for your always dark pigmentation of the skin and out of the arena. But tanning bed lotion gently with would be to minimize the harmful effects of UV rays and make you his last fast and secure.

by tanning bed lotion staff


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