Bestseller Tanning Bed Lotion

Paint It Black 50x Tanning Lotion Reviews : GetDarkFast Great Product

on 6/01/2011

Millenium Tanning New Paint It Black Auto-darkening Dark Tanning Lotion, 50X, 13.5-Ounce

GetDarkFast -- Great Product

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If no Sun Tan because you go on vacation and a tan base would be; I just came back from vacation and your color; last longer you're looking for a special occasion, you best; or just good, feeling that we have products for you. At huge discount

By GetDarkFast-com.

Just OK ...

I am a Tanner advanced enough, and I've been tanning since many years, so I tried many lotions. The smell is not spectacular, but it is not offensive, as I've tried a few ("what feels burned chicken?") Oh, that's me ... "). Some lotions, you can still race after tanning and feel safe knowing that people want to "tanned" to you for reasons other than from your smell. I tried the lotion best smelly, black diamond, but I think that just because it reminds me pretty Barbie perfume I had when I was small (not judge me, you know that you too!). In fact, I love the texture and consistency of black paint.

Some lotions are too thick to take forever. It glides on, and it takes long to smooth and enjoy. A + for this. Now, the color ... I am a tingling in person, but I thought I would, because everyone and their dog seems to love it a test. I'm too impressed with my results. Non-tingle can love, but I used, Red Lobster, if I leave the salon, tingling hours later and finally I Blot dry after showering (bronzer work yo time wishes you!)

I have to use impressive people tingle bomb results. It is as if off the monkey's skin is, but really, more painful than diamonds blacks was marketed. I am a glutton for punishment, apparently. However, I have a black diamond, which is fine, tried to bomb and was quite dark after a single use, but only that I'm seeing that the famous with the color black is there.

The next time I'll buy the bomb.

By Angela Cole "the drama of the blade."

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